How to make your own Professional and Free Email Signature using Hubspot
If you are looking to create an eye-catching email signature for free, HubSpot’s simple online tool allows you to generate a professional email signature that is brand cohesive whilst including all your relevant contact information.
Why should you have a professional email signature?
Frankly, an email signature is one of the smallest yet most powerful marketing tools out there. It is an eye-popping fixture allowing you to make a solid first impression, whilst painting a professional perception of your brand.
When used to its maximum potential, it can speak volumes about your business, helping you to connect with recipients using a smart and personal touch.
Most importantly, it is essentially a zero cost, yet effective marketing-tool for spreading brand awareness. Being a recurring element, that viewers will see time and time again, it will be imprinted in the mind of the recipient, developing trust and recognition in the long run.
Best of all… It is free and simple to create!
Firstly, click on the link to bring you to the online email generator tool:
Here are the steps you can now follow to get creating;
Step 1: Select your Template
Uncheck the Created With HubSpot button at the top left of your screen. (If left selected, this generates an ad in your email signature that invites others to create a free signature.) Which can undermine the desired professional aesthetic.
Then choose your email signature template. There are 6 various templates to choose from. Select whichever layout style suits your preference.

Step 2: Add Your Signature Details

Move to the next tab on the right of ‘templates’ and enter your signature details. This will include your information such as your name, job title, company name, phone number, website, social media profiles, and more.
Depending on each individual, there may be pieces of information that you don’t need and are irrelevant — e.g. a physical address. You can go ahead and leave those fields blank.
Our team here at Manzor Marketing highly recommend you adding your social media links for LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, so prospects can connect with you and your brand online.
Step 3: Add your Brand Colours
Now it’s time to move on to the ‘stylized’ tab, which is where you are able to customize your signature’s theme, text, and link colors to match your brand bible.
If your brand colors are not yet established, that’s okay. You can just upload your company logo to, and this online free tool will generate Hex codes for the colors used in your logo. You can then copy and paste these codes into HubSpot.

Manzor Marketing Tip: If you’ve decided to leave all of your text in the color black as default, we highly recommend changing it to a dark grey so it doesn’t look as blunt against the white background on the email. Perhaps a grey like Hex #202020
Step 4: Add your Custom Image(s)

You can now go ahead and move to the last tab to add your custom images to your email signature, such as your profile picture, company’s logo, and/or a call-to-action button.
Adding a personal profile picture is optional . Some individuals like to do it as it can add a level of trust to their communications, making them more recognizable to see. But this part is completely up to you!
If you would like to add your profile picture or headshot:
- Go to your website.
- Right-click on your photo, and select ‘copy image address’.
- Now paste it into the ‘profile picture’ section of the generator.
Secondly, you will want to add your company’s logo. However, the generator will not allow you to upload an image of your logo from your desktop files so you will need to grab the logo link again from your website. If you don’t have it, ask your website designer/developer to get it for you. You can now go and copy and paste the link into the ‘company logo’ section.
Step 5: Add the New Signature to your Email
You are now almost finished! Finally it is time to generate your signature and add it to your email. Here’s how you do it:
- Once you’ve gone through each of the four tabs, click the ‘create signature’ button. Then click ‘copy signature’.
- Go to your email account and locate the various settings. You’re going to want to search for the spot to change your signature and paste the information into the box.
- Save your changes.
If you are unable to locate email signature settings in your designated email account, don’t worry! Hubspot provides you with step-by-step information on how to do so on each of the various platforms.

Wrapping up!
You are now ready to go and create your very own email signature using the above and simple steps! Feel free to get creative and adapt it to your brand.
We hope these steps were helpful and that you will achieve the desired results!
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